Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Calming Anxiety

Is your first response to a proposed activity fear or anxiousness, but you’re not sure why? It could be an unease about your body being able to safely do the activity, or keep up with others, which results in a spike of fear.


We typically find aspects of anxiety around activity rooted in the ability of the core muscles to support regulation of the body’s homeostatic systems—respiration and circulation. It all relates to the intersection of the physical inputs to the nervous system which manages safety responses of freeze, fight or flee. Once muscles support these functions better, you will be calmer.


Our micromovement assessment quickly surfaces where the cause of the physical dis-regulation is. This is often related to how the core supports breathing.

What do we look for?

Just like the core relationships for energy and balance, Bridging assesses the micromovements of the core and between the core and limbs. The cause can be any of the basic micromovement disrupters—injury, illness, medical procedures, or early life/birth events. Each of these causes an upset to the intricate ways the muscles in the core coordinate to support efficient movement and internal function of the core, which could lead to anxiety.

Why does this matter?

By recognizing the unique disrupters in your past Bridging can specifically support your core muscles and guide them to work together again. Your body can self regulate easier after your first session, with more support your movement relationships are usually restored in 2-3 sessions.

Calming Anxiety

Is your first response to a proposed activity fear or anxiousness, but you’re not sure why? It could be an unease about your body being able to safely do the activity, or keep up with others, which results in a spike of fear.

We typically find aspects of anxiety around activity rooted in the ability of the core muscles to support regulation of the body’s homeostatic systems—respiration and circulation. It all relates to the intersection of the physical inputs to the nervous system which manages safety responses of freeze, fight or flee. Once muscles support these functions better, you will be calmer.

Our micromovement assessment quickly surfaces where the cause of the physical dis-regulation is. This is often related to how the core supports breathing.

Just like the core relationships for energy and balance, Bridging assesses the micromovements of the core and between the core and limbs. The cause can be any of the basic micromovement disrupters—injury, illness, medical procedures, or early life/birth events. Each of these causes an upset to the intricate ways the muscles in the core coordinate to support efficient movement and internal function of the core, which could lead to anxiety.

By recognizing the unique disrupters in your past Bridging can specifically support your core muscles and guide them to work together again. Your body can self regulate easier after your first session, with more support your movement relationships are usually restored in 2-3 sessions.

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