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Helpful Parenting Resources

Since we last assembled a resource list we have discovered some terrific additions. The following are directed toward understanding the relationships between learning and movement, as well as understanding brain/cognitive function. We have found these resources to be extremely insightful in varying degrees of technical detail and wanted to share them with you. Enjoy!

“The Mislabeled Child: How Understanding Your Child’s Unique Learning Style Can Open the Door to Success,” by Brock Eide M.D., M.A. and Fernette Eide M.D. This book explains the learning challenges facing children and is a great read for educators, counselors and healthcare professionals. They specialize in 2E children and their BLOG, is fabulous in neuroscience details relevant to learning.

“Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head,” by Carla Hannaford, Ph. D. This book presents the body’s role in thinking and learning supported by scientific research. The author tells readers the reason humans must move and shows how to move to fully activate our potential as learners.

“The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun: Activities for Kids With Sensory Integration Dysfunction,” by Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A., is a guide to examine Sensory Integration Dysfunction and features more than 100 playful activities to help develop and organize a child’s brain and body. Beneficial for younger children, the games are what Kranowitz, describes as “SAFE:” Sensory-motor, Appropriate, Fun and Easy.

“The Brain That Changes Itself”, by Norman Doidge. The author relates many vignettes of how the brain can rewire and rearrange itself when needed. The principles exemplify the outcomes we consistently find through the Kinetic Konenctions program.

“Welcome to Your Brain”, by Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt. The book explains how the human brain—with its 100 billion neurons—processes sensory and cognitive information, regulates our emotional life and forms memories. The authors tackle such potentially controversial topics as whether men and women have different brains (yes, though what that means in terms of capabilities and behavior, they say, is up in the air) and whether intelligence is shaped more by genes or environment (genes set an upper limit on people’s intelligence, but the environment before birth and during childhood determines whether they reach their full genetic potential).

Integrated Listening Program: Based upon the work on Tomatis, Integrated Listening Systems (iLs), uses updated technology to develop auditory processing. As described on the web site, “the integration of our visual, auditory and balance systems is the foundation for learning and is essential for learning skills, communication, auditory processing, memory, organization and concentration.” iLs programs “exercise” the visual, auditory and balance systems simultaneously improving mental and physical abilities as well as self-confidence, reported the Web Site. Cara met with Dr Ron Minson last fall to learn more about the program; it is complimentary to Kinetic Konnections work for many children with multi-sensory challenges.