Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Diane’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I have suffered from joint pain for years, maybe decades… After just one session I was relatively pain free.” Diane Y (55)


What prompted you to seek help?

I have suffered from joint pain for years, maybe decades, and had tried all kinds of different things from drugs, physical therapy and injections. Nothing helped. My hip pain was the most debilitating. I just reached a frustration point.


What unique insight did Kinetic Konnections have?  

Cara assessed the way my body moved and took pictures to benchmark my mobility. She said in every test that I was stuck from head to toe.

I fell about 17 years ago landing on a spot on my mid-back. Cara said it was an unusual injury; on a hunch she supported that area of my back and rechecked the movements. Everything worked! She also did a couple of rocking movements focused on the spot where I had the most extreme pain, which was my hip. It started to move better!


What Changed?


After just one session I was relatively pain free.

I was able to travel, sleep on my side, and get out of a chair easily–all things I struggled with for years.

I had been to orthopedic surgeons for my hip. I had ultrasounds, injections, etc. All anyone could say is its bursitis and you will have to live with this. Or, they told me to just lose weight. To have someone who can remove that constant pain blows my mind!

I describe the treatment at Kinetic Konnections as a cross between physical therapy, chiropractor, magician, and massage therapist. It’s hard to wrap my head around it. It was gentle and I didn’t have any exercises to do or watch when I left which was amazing.

I can now do things I couldn’t without pain. Recently I was able to take a trip to Vegas and sit on a plane, walk through Vegas hotel lobbies, stand at receptions, stand to give two speeches, and sit on a plane to come home. Usually I would have been in awful pain after a schedule like that, but I was fine.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ult_buttons btn_title=”View All Client Stories” btn_link=”|||” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-small” btn_title_color=”#472d85″ btn_bg_color=”rgba(71,45,133,0.5)” btn_bg_color_hover=”rgba(71,45,133,0.5)” btn_title_color_hover=”#e95e12″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”rgba(71,45,133,0.5)” btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”3″ btn_font_size=”desktop:16px;” btn_font_style=”font-weight:bold;”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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