Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

New Experiences … 😳 and 😁!

Sharing a peek behind the scenes …

A first experience in a new adventure

My experience with shooting the first episode of a new YouTube show reminded me of the feelings our clients have when they first come in.

  • Yes, I was nervous!
  • No, I didn’t really know what to expect.
  • Yes, I left pleasantly surprised and planning to come back again.

Here’s what happened

I made my way down to the 99 Perspectives studio in the West Fulton Market area of Chicago. The studio team and I have discussed creating a YouTube show about Bridging® on and off for nearly a year. The plan fell into place a few weeks ago and it was time to start.

BUT … I had no idea what all the details were going to look like. How would this actually come together? Who was going to be my demonstration person?

I had to stop, let go of the details, and trust people who know what they are doing. The studio team wants to do a great job to produce a successful show, and so do I.

How did the video shoot go?

It actually went well, and we ended up having fun along the way. We had to collaboratively problem solve the set-up. So many details I’d never think of!

  • Where to put the massage table?
  • Where to place the cameras for all the places I’d be moving around to?
  • Where to put the microphone cords so we didn’t trip or catch on them while moving around?

My demonstration guest was one of the 99 Perspectives team who had injured himself years ago. He was so amazed at how good his back felt after living cautiously and in pain for many years. It was really cool to capture his expressions of relief this on video.

The funniest thing that happened?

Turns out the green screen effect with video works with everything that is green. When I pulled out my favorite little green peanut ball to use with Bridging®, it disappeared from view. We all had a good laugh!

What’s the new show and when do you get to see it?

The show will be posted on YouTube within a couple of weeks. The plan is to record two shows per month for now, so you’ll have a steady stream of really interesting pain mysteries solved by Bridging®. I’ll be sharing links to the new videos on all of our social sites when they are ready to go.

The new experience made me wonder if you felt like this when you came to our office

at the video recording studioI’m always a little anxious with something new. Most of our clients are too. Experiencing this new situation where I had high expectations for help got me wondering, is this how you feel too?

  • When you have pain, or a child is struggling, it’s hard to try something new.
  • And when you finally do try, you’re afraid it may not go well.
  • And how do you describe your experience to others?

Yes, we know you have these feelings, and they are so common! That is one of the reasons for pushing out of my comfort zone to create the videos and explanations so you can have a ring side seat to the Bridging® process, insights and results.

In the office, we try to make your experience as welcoming and seamless as possible. Allaying your fear, or that of your parent, or your child is top on our list. At the end of the day, we are asking you to put your trust in us to help.

Our goal is for you to feel supported when you come to the Bridging® Institute for help as I felt at 99 Perspectives.