Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

The Wii for Kids-at-Heart

By Darcy Nee Not only are children becoming obsessed with the Nintendo Wii and its plethora of video games, including the Wii Fit program, but also their parents, the medical field and older adults. Cara Lindell, Kinetic Konnections’ founder, purchased the Nintendo Wii and the Wii Fit program for her two sons last fall. She […]

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The Wii, Kids & Learning

By Darcy Nee As we have seen at Kinetic Konnections®, a well-functioning body contributes to a well-functioning mind. When the body is able to function efficiently, without compensation, it allows for more energy – physical or cognitive – to do other activities, whether that is in a specific sport, to concentrate, or to write more […]

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The Wii, Kids & Fitness

By Darcy Nee With the holidays just around the corner, you may already be listening to your child asking about possible gifts. Or, maybe you’re in search of a quality gift for the kids this holiday season: one that will encourage kids to move, improve their coordination and balance. According to a few of our […]

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Learning & Sensory Processing: Insights from Marlo Payne

Marlo Payne Thurman, M.S., nationally recognized educational consultant, is well known for her work in both public and private schools, and has served in a variety of learning and mental health centers. She founded the Brideun Learning Communities and The Center for Education Enrichment, a private educational consulting company specializing in meeting the needs of […]

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Emerson’s Coordination & Speech

[image url=”” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”10″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”200″ height=”131″]Meet Emerson, a 4 ½ year-old with an autistic spectrum disorder called PDD-NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). Emerson had significant problems with communication and play, and some difficulty interacting with others. However, as with others diagnosed with PDD-NOS, Emerson is too social to be considered […]

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Mind/Body Connection Helps Improve Ryan’s Reading

[image url=”” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”10″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”200″ height=”250″]In this issue, we meet 8-year-old Ryan and his mother, Sarah, a reading specialist, who heard about Kinetic Konnections through another parent at the school where she teaches. Ryan, who has visual tracking and sensory integration issues, has been working with a pediatric optometrist, Dr. Ireland in […]

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Jim & Brian’s “Friendly Competition”

One thing that keeps people going in terms of working out is having someone to help motivate them. Another way of looking at it could be friendly competition between friends. Meet Jim Maratea and Brian Ahern — workout buddies. Jim has been working out at Fully Fit for several months and Brian for several years. […]

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Client Feature: Micah Gains Classroom Confidence & Coordination

When 9-year-old Micah first came to see Cara, he had severe coordination and balance problems due to retained primitive reflexes, which in normal development are outgrown. As a result, what comes naturally to most children does not come naturally or easily to Micah, which in turn impacted him in the classroom and among his peers. […]

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Client Feature: Emily Learns to Adapt & Appreciate her

[image url=”” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”10″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”150″ height=”200″] Emily K. is an active 9-year-old, who was previously diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction. The symptoms included difficulty responding in an adaptive way to everyday sensations that others hardly notice or simply take for granted; in her case, for example, the ability to walk on an […]

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