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Kid’s Behavior Getting on Your Nerves Already?

Kid’s behavior challenging? Perhaps it’s a core activation issue.

Summer has just begun, and believe it or not, these are some of the challenging behaviors we are already hearing about from parents.

Do any of these describe your child?

  • General lack of interest in physical activity
  • Whiny and overly sensitive to pains and textures
  • Argues, or is easily upset, (or hard to recover once upset)

As parents, we assume many of the these behaviors are rooted in lack of motivation, or being over-sensitive. Lazy is one common assumption, and whiny is another. In reality, there is another chapter to the story.

Common assumptions about kid’s behavior

Our recent posts have highlighted the importance of core activation and why our assumptions about how our core impacts us — physically and behaviorally — may not be correct.

Often our assumptions about kids’ behaviors can be wrong, with the behavior better explained by micromovement function. These tiny movements of all the layers within our body don’t work well together for many reasons. This throws off our ability to easily move, impairs the related sensory processing, and ultimately, impairs the ability to self-regulate, which impacts behavior.

We continually find activation of the core, arm or leg micromovements has glitches. This is where the Bridging® Technique comes in to quickly restore order.

Here are some of the most common parent complaints, and what we often find in play, instead of the assumed behavioral issue.

Assumption: Lazy or addicted to screens

playing video games


Clue: Too tired to be outdoors, but endless energy for playing games

How can a child be so tired all the time? We consistently find that the core activation and legs really don’t work right for many kids. Simple activity is actually exhausting.

Hanging out in the basement playing video games may be all their core is capable of. Rebuilding the core activation via Bridging makes participating in life’s activities less of a burden.


feeling stressed

Assumption: Whiny (about pains)

Clue: Everything seems to hurt, but it’s not always growing pains

When your child’s muscles are activating incorrectly it can produce a phenomenon called an over-reactive sensory system.

Just like turning up the volume to hear your phone when you’re in a noisy area, it can be too much.

As Bridging improves the muscle activation patterns, the body’s sensory system can turn down the “volume” so pain levels become more moderate.


Assumption: Argumentative or defiant

Clue: Not listening, or constantly arguing

The posture of the core and head is often the culprit.

Many arguments with kids are due to auditory processing delays. When the core supports the head properly, the ears and eyes are well-positioned to function together more easily. When your child hears you they have time to mentally pause and thoughtfully consider a response. (Micro-second delays between right and left ears can cause hearing and speech issues.)

Bridging to improve the core and head positioning allows improved timing of the auditory sensory input and helps to reduce processing delays. Fewer arguments!



Wondering how your kids’ core activation can be improved? Drop me some background info and we’ll tell you how, and if Bridging can help.

Here are links to recent blogs post on common issues related to core activation, and why your core may not be working well.

Our goal at The Bridging Institute remains keeping your body’s micromovements optimally organized to self-regulate, focus and be active for the things you enjoy in life.