Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

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Restoring Inner Peace and Calm

The Fourth of July holiday turned out to be a time of chaos and tragedy in our community.

Our Northbrook office is a short distance from Highland Park, and we serve many families there. Our hearts are heavy with the sadness and loss. The most fundamental human need, that of safety and security, was rocked.

As a parent, you may have struggled with what to tell your children. You are also struggling with many emotions. Remember to find a way to support yourself too.

Others in our community have been challenged to get through the days this week because they are providing support to those who have been impacted more directly. Counselors, medical staff, and first responders are also stressed in ways most of us will can not begin to imagine.

No matter how you or your loved ones have been impacted, we often handle the many emotions from the day in our own ways. It can be traumatic at every level of our being.

Many of us ask, “What can we do to help?”

These emotional traumas can often evolve into physical traumas. As we grieve, our core tightens and breathing becomes shallow. We retreat into ourselves as a protective response. The counselors will help with tools for processing the emotional trauma. There is a physical aspect to be tended to as well.

Yes, a simple hug goes a long way. When you need more, some rocking of the body does wonders to restore calm.

I am re-sharing the link for our DIY video for centering and calming. This can be used by anyone at anytime to re-ground friends or family when there has been trauma, big or small.

This movement allows the body to physically find center and a sense of calm. We also find that it helps to create a sense of emotional calm and peace.

DIY Centering and Calming

Whether it’s from a physical or emotional trauma, the simple act of guiding the body to be centered and in balance, allows the nervous system to be calmer.

Cara and Becki guide you through a rolling movement which helps the body to calm and find center. May it bring peace to those of you who are in need.