Mastering the Dreaded Locker Lock–August 26, 2016
Mastering the Dreaded Locker Lock!
I still have my lock, the combo engraved in my brain from frustration…
The fear and frustration of sweaty fingers twirling the dial of the gym locker on the bottom row of lockers, trying not to be late to class. Yes, that’s why I remember the combo.
Middle schools and high school have many new things for students to navigate and often include two different locks to master—hall and gym.
The same skills a toddler masters from hours of manipulating blocks and toys are the same hand-eye skills refined with writing in grade school.
WAIT—writing in grade school? Key-boarding has replaced writing and many hand-eye skills and in later years suffer, being harder than they should be.
We teach new details in the coordination between head, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers. Usually one session for someone we already know and 2-3 sessions for a new client.
Give a call to get your wrist clicking!
Wanted: Little Ones!
We love making sure little ones are ready for all of their early development.
Yes, our program is new, but we are not. We have been working with children of all ages for over 10 years. We consistently see birth traumas or stress impacting children’s development and want to spare families’ years of heart ache and worry.
We integrated our knowledge of child development with emerging research of pre-natal movements to develop Starting Moves.
Starting Moves 10 Stages focus on key movements for successful transition to the next stage. We systematically assess and quickly restore these baby and toddler movements using the Kinetic Bridging® technique by using gentle movements and stretches to reset muscle memory.
(The common follow-up recommendation spacing is 4-6 weeks up to 6 months apart.)
Note from Cara
Summer is going strong out on the trails. It is sad to see the best days of summer spent in the classroom.
August in the office is filled with students fine-tuning so many skills as school and fall sports begin—writing names for kindergartners, sitting comfortably for growing bodies, hand-eye coordination for focus, and speed on the field.
Several had fun working on coordination needed to open the dreaded locker lock. The frustration of the combination lock is often another source of anxiety with the new school year.
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