Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

20 years

It’s Been 20 Years!

Cara LindellI sat in my kitchen 20 years ago with a grand idea of helping women move better to stay healthier. So much has changed since then, although fundamentally so much is the same. Join me in some reminiscing!

Here are some of the highlights of The Bridging® Institute’s evolution:

  • The mission expanded to helping everyone, beginning at birth.
  • The focus on movement morphed into sensory-motor function which includes balance and self-regulation, a correlate to self-calming.
  • Your movement became understood to be a system of micromovements rooted in the earliest periods of child development. This is why we strongly focus on your past to solve the present challenges.
  • And, the optimal way to quickly reset impaired micromovements has proven to be the gentle rocking and stretches used in Bridging®. Indeed less is more!

Names have changed along the way too:

  • Fully Fit® Lifestyles was the beginning
  • Kinetic Konnections® signified a shift to working with children, as well as the shift to passive movements to effect change.
  • The Bridging® Institute is how we are now providing services and educational programs all related to the Bridging® Technique.

The people I’ve met!

I could never have dreamed of how many people I would meet, and the impact you’ve each had in this journey. You’ve opened my eyes to the many ways the body is supposed to work, and doesn’t work, as well as how the body changes when given guidance and a little help. Yes, it takes a village, including:

  • Thousands of clients — adults and children — now gratefully moving without pain, parents whose children now function more easily in school, and clients of all ages thriving, as they are calmer and more easily engaged socially. (I’ve had the privilege to watch so many young children grow and go out into the world in ways their parents only dreamed of way back when.)
  • Professionals of many backgrounds who have helped me learn so much about functional movement, visual-vestibular control of movement, and balance, behavior, emotional regulation, communication, and child development.
  • Professionals who I’ve had the fortune to collaborate with to better help people from a multi-disciplinary approach.

You’ve believed in me, and Bridging®, even when sometimes I wasn’t as certain. Your trust and camaraderie over the years has kept me going on days when I wondered why I left a corporate job with insurance and vacation.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey!

And my amazing team!

The most special people I’ve been side-by-side with over many years are my team. They each have an amazing array of experience, are deep critical thinkers, and so passionate about helping people!

Their perspectives are each unique and we challenge each other, as we problem solve concepts and ways to better help clients. I love seeing how happy clients are when leaving a session with the team and hearing about the unique situations that were resolved.

Such big hearts and talented hands!

When did we meet and where are you/your child now?

Do you have a memory or update you’d like to share?

Please drop me an email. I’d love to hear from you, especially if we met years ago.

What’s next?

These are the areas I’m passionate about expanding:

  • Education and expanded online resources for both the professional and non-professional communities.
  • Better Beginnings for newborns with exercises for their parents which get the babies ready for all the milestones yet to come. This is the foundation of how we move, and we want to better support littles ones from the very beginning.
  • Presentations sharing our unique insights on how movement and self-regulation impact our daily lives, and how the traditional medical framework would benefit from adding a physics-based perspective.

You’ll be seeing more about these as the weeks go by. If you’re interested in learning more about these three initiatives, email me and I’ll be happy to fill you in or keep you informed of progress.

Here’s looking ahead to helping more people with Bridging®’s micromovements. Thanks for being part of the community — I’m truly grateful!