Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

keeping stress off knees

Wow! I Can’t Believe What You Were Able to Do with My Hip/knee Situation!

The theme for this week … keeping stress off knees

Being active takes a hit when your knees hurt. Even though studies show movement helps knee pain, it still hurts to move! Often stress at the knee is from an unrelated source such as the hip or the foot, so targeting the knee fails to deliver relief. This is why it’s important to identify and address the root cause. Read on …

Knee pain? You’re not alone!

Per the most recent analysis, frequent knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults. It limits function and mobility which impairs quality of life. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in people 50 years or older.

Knee pain is not limited to older adults. While knee pain becomes more common with age, anyone can experience knee pain.

Knee pain in children can be influenced by factors such as growth, physical activity, and sports participation.

Preschool Age (3-5 years)

Knee pain in very young children is less common. However, it can still occur due to minor injuries, falls, or underlying medical conditions.

School-Age Children (6-12 years)

Knee pain becomes more prevalent in school-age children, especially as they become more physically active. Common causes of knee pain in this group can include overuse injuries or growth-related pain.

Adolescents (13-18 years)

Knee pain is relatively common in adolescents, particularly those involved in sports and physical activities. Growth spurts and intense sports participation can contribute to conditions like Osgood-Schlatter disease, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and ligament injuries.

Although knee pain affects all ages and has many causes, Bridging® quickly provides lasting relief for most causes.

Insight of the Week from Cara

The type of pain we see in the office seems to trend in themes by the day, week, or month. Recently knee pain has been a common challenge for clients wanting to stay active.

How can Bridging® play a role with knee pain?

The most obvious cause for knee pain is an injury or accident, such as falling. However, there are more causes, and often these are related to issues at the hip or foot, not the knee.

As part of the Bridging® assessment and analysis process, we determine what is at the heart of the stress causing the pain.

As a reminder, the disrupters of micromovements which cause pain that we commonly find are:

  • Injuries
  • Illness
  • Medical procedures such as surgery
  • Early life/birth events

Finding the real cause

This week’s video session guest, Simone, has had knee pain, stiffness and instability. These impact her confidence and ability to exercise and stay active.

Working on the correct issue

Simone has had professional guidance related to her knee function over the years. They noted that her hip function impacted her knee and recommended hip and leg strengthening exercises. This helped, but she was getting more concerned with each birthday!

Bridging’s targeted approach to problem-solving considers a wider range of solutions than other professionals. In Simone’s case this included early life events. New options lead to new solutions!