Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage


Spring—a time to see the world anew. Each year, Spring dramatically bursts forth with waves of color and flowers for weeks.

We see our clients anew as well, looking at their concerns with a different perspective. We take the view that they are the sum of their experiences beginning before birth, forward to the present. Most are amazed by how many things have happened to their bodies causing compensation layered upon compensation.

Kinetic Bridging® allows us to help solve mysteries of why development, movement, and/or recovery is stuck. The resulting changes surface in waves—during the session and in the days and weeks following.


How Has Bridging® Impacted You Professionally?

Earlier this year, we interviewed the team to see how Bridging® has impacted their professional perspectives, both from a knowledge and a client intervention standpoint. Snippets of their answers below—


How has Bridging® changed your view of the people/families you meet?

Lynne: Many of our clients come to us because other interventions have not helped enough. We view clients through a unique lens that includes an extensive history going back to development in the womb. Bridging® provides us the tools to confidently break down even the most complex issues into simple components in order to achieve positive changes in a short amount of time.

Joanna: Everybody is trying their best at every given moment. Everybody comes into the office wherever they are at the moment and they want reassurance that they are doing the best they can. I have empathy for all of them because we all have been there.


How does Bridging® make each day amazing?

Becki: There are so many “wow, that makes so much sense” moments when we talk with clients and Bridging® has the science concepts to back it up. It makes me feel great to hear follow-up stories/feedback about how a client changes so much for the better after a session.

Lynne: What really makes every day at work great is that I can’t think of one time where the adult or child I am working with hasn’t left after an hour without a noticeable change. There is always something significant that changes and he or she can feel it!

Joanna: Clients are so grateful; there are so many happy moments and it is amazing to be part of that!

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