Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

playing on a jungle gym

Playground Success? Yes, They Did!

It’s the season for being outdoors which often means exploring playgrounds.

Playground exploration is an essential part of childhood for learning new physical skills, and learning to take risks. These are vital aspects of development!

Sometimes your child needs a little help, then they figure it out. Sometimes a little help doesn’t work and your child feels left out and frustrated. You feel frustrated and helpless. Maybe they’ll get it next week, or next year.

But what if they don’t? That’s the kind of worrying, as a parent, that keeps you up at night. Sometimes a little Bridging® to improve connections in the body is just the boost needed to make it happen!

No matter the age, mastering a new physical skill is something we all take pride and joy in. Adults learning Pickleball, a baby navigating crawling, or a young lady figuring out monkey bars. Risk and fear are overcome, and persistence pays off after trying over and over again.

Monkey Bars Mastery — woo hoo!

playing on the monkey bars

Two weeks ago, while I was working with a teenager, we got her arms to connect to her core in a significant, and new, way. When briefing Mom on the session progress, I remarked that if her daughter was younger, this core connection would likely support the strength needed for monkey bars.

Little did I realize this young lady had never been able to hold onto the monkey bars when she was younger. Mom had tried many times by holding her up, and she never was able to figure the coordination out nor muster the strength.

Since it was a nice spring day, I suggested stopping at the playground later that day to test things out. The photo is part of a video mom shared from later that day. Her daughter was able to hold on and transfer from bar to bar!

Kudos to mom for coaxing her daughter to try again. What fun for each of them!



Swinging without a push — wow!


Earlier this year a mom shared a Bridging® memory of her son’s playground accomplishment following a session working on general developmental skills. Enjoy this fun story!

My son was six when we first came to you. One day shortly after one of the first appointments, we stopped at a park on the way back to the car. My kids climbed onto the swings, their favorites, as usual. He made his usual attempts to get the swing moving on his own.

After a few tries, he looked at me in amazement and said, “Mama, the swing is going up!” He walked into the appointment dependent on someone to push him in order to swing, and walked out independent!

He’s graduating high school this spring and it’s been a joy to watch him grow and mature. Like many children we meet at young ages, we have supported him a little here and there along the way.




When your child gets so frustrated that they are about to give up on a physical skill, it’s time to see if a couple sessions of Bridging® will get them over the hump.

For teens and adults, you may also experience some frustration with your physical skills, usually after an injury or procedure. You’ve given things time and done all the rehab exercises, but still not feeling up to what you used to do. Bridging® is able to quickly find and support the missing connections.

More to helping master coordination …

At The Bridging® Institute our clients are often surprised by how fast they improve. Uniquely, our approach goes back to early development as the secret.

Recreating early layers of muscle and joint interconnections is the roadmap for sustainably resetting your (or your child’s) body to learn new physical skills. Bridging® rebuilds the original developmental movement foundation; your daily activity reinforces the better function.

Wondering if Bridging® can help?

Fill out our intake form and we’ll get back to you with insights on how Bridging® can help. Virtual or in-office sessions are two options we offer to get you back to feeling your best.