Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

stiff or painful neck

Three Uncommon Reasons for your Stiff or Painful Neck which Keeps you from Being Active

Two things concurrently caught my attention this morning–

1 – New statistics about head and neck injuries becoming more common in high school sports.

2 – A tweet about strength declines by age 70 (from Dan Go, @fitfounder) and exercises to counteract this decline. He is 43.

I recognized how we often find neck trauma as the source of chronic pain which keeps our clients from being active.

Crazy how our ability to be active, strong, and healthy depends so much on luck in avoiding physical trauma over the years!

Luckily, Bridging® is a way to reset those earlier movement disruptors.

When neck pain makes it hard or impossible to be active …

Staying active is the key to both physical and mental health at ALL ages. You can easily find tips for the best exercises to stay strong and active, but what do you do if these aggravate an existing pain?

We meet clients dealing with neck pain and stiffness at every phase of life–children, young adults, adults and older adults. They are still searching for ways to be more comfortable that will allow them to:

  • Play with friends at a playground, pickle ball court, hiking trail, or bowling alley
  • Care for yourself, your children, or grandchildren
  • Simply sleep better!

Three common reasons for neck pain or stiffness

As we go through our problem-solving process we often find these common movement disruptors from your past correlate micromovement glitches or blocks between the head and upper body:

  1. Youth sports injuries: football, soccer, gymnastics, wrestling, cheerleading, and hockey seem most common
  2. Rear-end auto accidents: the seatbelt lets your head and neck jostle around asymmetrically
  3. Birth: c-section after long labor, torticolis, forceps use, breech, and umbilical cord around neck are so common for causing tightness later in life!

But these were many years ago?!
You might ask, “How can these early life events still be causing an issue now?” Trauma to the muscles still impacts how your muscles work, or don’t work together.

My pain management just doesn’t help much anymore …
You may stretch, do exercises, and have regular chiropractic or massage appointments, which provide comfort. And then at some point they don’t. Your muscles have gotten to the point of not being able to work together so they either give up or freeze up.

Bridging® helps in two ways
In each of these cases, Bridging can help — by finding the root cause injury that impacted your muscle coordination, and then following the original early life movement blueprint to put your muscles back together with gentle rocking motions and micro-stretches. The relief is both quick and long-lasting.

Yes, your neck muscle coordination can be reset so you feel and function better!

Are neck pain and stiffness impacting your ability to stay active?

  • Do you have neck issues and want to know if Bridging® can help?
  • Do you have an earlier sports injury, auto accident, or birth factor, and are willing to be on a YouTube session (no cost)? I’d also love to hear from you.

Yes Cara, I’d like to find out more about how Bridging may help.

Yes Cara, I’d love to volunteer for a video!

Our unique, engineering-based, problem-solving process looks at how each part of your body connects and transitions with the next part. Where there are glitches, we support and guide the movement, and add a subtle stretch to seal in the new muscle relationships.