Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Cara with client, Steve

Freak Injuries and Getting Back to ‘Normal’ ๐Ÿ™

The theme for this week … when freak injuries happen Freak accidents, whether a sports injury, auto accident, or just a random thing, happen. Thankfully, the EMT’s stabilize us, and surgical teams can put us back together. However, your body often needs more to really feel normal again. Read on … Being active side-tracked by […]

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Cara with client, Martha

Summer Adventures, Hiking, and Injuries. Sometimes Things Happen … ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

The theme for this week … injuries from hiking Have you been outdoors doing an activity you love and suffered an injury? Hiking is such a wonderful way to enjoy nature and be active. It can also be fraught with danger. Read on … How common are hiking injuries? This 2022 summary from Hikers Daily […]

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Cara with client, Sarena

Vision and Hand-eye Coordination Problem-solving

The theme for this week … being active can also involve hands, arms and eyes! Many activities have a visual-motor component which incorporates use of our hands and arms in conjunction with vision. Sometimes the parts could be working together better than we assume they are. Read on … We assume our vision and hands/arms […]

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Cara with client, Sarena

Vision and Activity … Linked in Ways You Wouldn’t Think

The theme for this week … vision impacts our ability to be active Often your pain, balance, or coordination concerns seem to be a mystery. Sometimes your vision is part of the puzzle. Read on … Vision and movement You likely take for granted how your vision affects your confidence and/or ability to be active. […]

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