Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

5 Reasons Your Micromovements Benefit from a Spring Tune-up

Is a Spring micromovement tune-up on your calendar?

It should be! Warm weather is finally here! Are you ready to do all the things you dreamed about all winter long — softball, soccer, lacrosse, biking, gardening, running, or a simple walk with friends? Or, is something holding you back?

Outdoor activity has so many benefits, and there IS a way to comfortably and confidently get back out!

Cara on vacationFor me, I was concerned about vacation plans. I was a bit anxious about a trip which included several days of hiking. Would my knees be stable enough to comfortably go downhill? Would my legs hold up day after day? I scheduled a session to refresh the interactions from my feet and knees. My confidence increased, and I had a great trip!

When a tune-up may be helpful

Staying active is essential to both physical and mental health at ALL AGES. When you, a parent, or a child struggle with pain or coordination you often opt out of outside activities.

There are many aspects to ‘opting out’ which may include feeling reluctant to be active. Here are some examples we’ve recently heard from clients. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Pain levels causing you to think twice about joining the new pickleball league?
  • Balance uncertainty causing anxiety, so you opt out of the family hiking vacation?
  • Fatigue causing you to cancel plans to go walking with a friend?
  • Your child’s refusal to go to sports practice because their coordination isn’t on the same level as their teammates?
  • A younger child’s disappointment and frustration when struggling at the playground with age-appropriate skills like monkey bars?

All of these are related to your body’s micrmovements. When the micromovements are stuck, disrupted or asymmetric, your body is stressed. This stress often results in pain, fatigue, poor balance, or loss of confidence.

What are some reasons for your body ‘opting out’?

When your micromovements are not working well, we find the root cause falls into these five categories:

  • Prior injuries or accidents, even if the incident happened years ago
  • Medical procedures such as surgery, radiation or immobilizing casts
  • Illness such as pneumonia, Covid, RSV, or flu
  • Early life/birth trauma such as surgery, difficult birth, or leg/limb braces
  • GROWING! Children’s bones grow as the days get longer. Muscles can have a hard time catching up, causing pain and coordination challenges.

How can Bridging get you back outside?

Our unique problem-solving process looks at how the arms, legs and core connect and transition with each other.

Where there are glitches, we support and guide the movement, and add a subtle stretch to uniquely reset muscle relationships.The change is both fast and long-lasting, letting you get outdoors with ease!

For most individuals 2-3 sessions of Bridging will get your micromovements refreshed, evened out, and flowing.

Please share these insights with your friends and family who want to be outdoors more . 🙂