Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Cara with client, Amanda

3 Late Effects From a C-section Which Inhibit Being Active

The theme for this week … back pain following major surgery

Have you had major surgery, not felt like your old self? And especially after a C-section, have you been told that’s what to expect? We find the body is able to recover so much more, it just needs specific help. Read on …

How common are births via C-section?

This CDC document lays out so many statistics about C-sections (Cesarean delivery). It is kind of mind-blowing how many babies are born this way, and how many moms are impacted by this major surgery!

A few statistics

32% (1.17 million babies!) of all births in 2021 in the US were via Cesarean delivery.

86% of these mothers will deliver again via Cesarean with a subsequent delivery.

It is acknowledged that there are both short and long term risks, but these are mostly noted in terms of the baby.

What you won’t find … is much research addressing the long-term physical effects to mothers related to the surgery. This is especially concerning as so many of our clients come in with challenges which we track back to the late-effects of the C-section.

What do we find?

Consistently the mothers we meet have some of these common issues if they’ve had a C-section in their past:

  • low back pain
  • hip pain
  • abdominal numbness

The tight lower abdomen often throws their posture off and creates a sway back.

However, after Bridging®, our mom clients are all amazed at how much better they feel and look!

In this week’s video session, you’ll see an example of how we were able to reset the muscles connecting the core and hip movement.

Insight of the week from Cara

Ignored and dismissed pains

Over the years we’ve met so many women with odd lower body pains or tightness who also have had a C-section surgery.

These women tell us stories of trying to get answers from their doctor about their pain or numbness and being told to massage the scar. Not much other advice is offered.

When you’ve had a C-section …

When we see a C-section in a person’s history, we immediately suspect there is a lingering impact. The many layers of tissue cut and repaired inhibit critical micromovements in the lower core, and between and core and legs.

Putting your core back into better working order

To erase the effects of the C-section trauma, we specifically add support to the scar and gently rock your muscles allowing your micromovements to find new ways to connect across the area that was cut.

We then use the gentle Bridging® reset process to connect the core to associated muscle groups in the legs. Once the legs and core work together better, the stress on your lower back and hips is relieved. This can usually be accomplished in 2-3 sessions.

Have you had a major surgery which affects you and curious if Bridging® can help? Contact us. We are happy to see how we can help.

Stories from our sessions … resetting core and legs after surgery

Amanda has a beautiful daughter who is 7 months old. The recovery from being pregnant left her tired and sore, with back pains that don’t ever go way.

Her post-session update was “Back pain still there but comes and goes. The sitting down criss cross apple sauce has been easier, which has never been a really comfortable position for me in my adult life. … My right side feels stronger, and my balance seems better, if that makes sense. I feel less wobbly.”

What happened to Amanda and when?

Micromovement disrupters

What’s happened to Amanda and when?

  • Birth/Early life: Hospitalized following birth. Uncertain why.
  • Injury/Accident: Misc. events as child, 2 auto accidents
  • Medical procedures/surgeries: 2 laparoscopic surgeries, C-section
  • Illness: None of note

The body parts do remember how to work together!

Goal: Reduce back stress in order to be more active with a growing, exploring baby.

What did we find?

We found that Amanda’s lower body and core were not working fluently together. We also found a wild card–her knees weren’t really working so well with the bending motion.

What did we do?

In addition to supporting the C-section scar area allowing core and leg muscles to interact, we also had to help the knee muscles become reacquainted, so feet, knees, hips and core worked synchronously.

You’ll have to watch the video to see how fast things changed for Amanda, by being so specific with our support.