Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

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Agelessly Truly Means ALL Ages 😍

Keeping four generations moving — what a great Bridging® story!

Throughout the past year we’ve shared many specific examples of how our clients’ pain and movement challenges have been helped by Bridging, no matter their age. Each discussion and topic sought to include a multi-age perspective.

The Collins’ family story brings the multi-age aspect of Bridging® to life. Read how we were introduced to all four generations, and how Bridging® has had an impact on each. It’s such a lovely story, and I thank them each for allowing us to share it with you.

Enabling four generations to keep active

Meet the extended Collins family. We met them by virtue of a close friend of Grandma Collins who had long-Covid struggles and experienced life-changing improvements from Bridging®. Grandma was so impressed by the changes she saw in her friend that she checked into Bridging® further, and found that we also helped children.

At the time she was tuning into Bridging®, her grandson was working with a physical therapist because he was born with a twisted neck condition called torticolis. This was a significant concern for the family. Mom, a nurse, was immersed in doing everything she was supposed to for him, but was growing frustrated with lack of improvement.

After much discussion with Grandma, Mom decided to give Bridging® a try to help her baby. Much to everyone’s surprise, his head movement, posture, and disposition changed immediately after his first Bridging® session. As extended family visited, the differences in the baby’s demeanor were noted. Several months later, he is totally on track developmentally.

The changes with the baby and the friend were so significant, Mom and Grandma (and then Grandma’s mom!) decided they wanted to experience Bridging® too. Each has found their aches and pains melted away. They also notice the new calm and centeredness lets them handle their chaotic lives more easily. You can read more about their individual stories below.

Yes, Bridging® helps in ALL ages and ALL stages to be active.

The Baby

quote from clientBorn with a twisted neck, he was having a hard time with head movement and his developing posture was so tight! Extensive physical therapy was getting minimal results, and the family was consumed with doing his exercises. He just was uncomfortable so much of the time. They wondered if something else might help faster.

After his first session the immediate changes in posture and disposition were so dramatic. Mom even shared that his physical therapist wondered what had happened, and agreed there were significant changes.

His parents are no longer consumed with fretting about him, and can now enjoy being parents. The stress of the household has been replaced with peace and joy. What a gift!

Read more about his story with crawling.


baby crawlingPostpartum, following a stressful pregnancy, and having a baby needing therapy, was a lot for Mom. She discovered a couple of Bridging sessions helped her relax and be calmer with everyone in her life, baby included.



quote from clientShe finds that Bridging® is so relaxing and gentle yet fixes the body too! Grandma juggles so much between helping mother, her daughter, and babysitting her grandson. Bridging cleared up much of her everyday aches and pains which makes it so much easier to handle the demands. And, a growing, active grandchild can cause some new aches as well!

Grandma’s Bridging® time is a “quiet, gentle hour, and at the end, something is fixed too!” She also has a special daughter-mother date to bring her Mom to get a tune-up monthly too.

Grandma’s Mom

Mom and GrandmaHand function has been a concern for this independent 95 year old. A hand specialist last year told her there wasn’t anything they could do for her Dupuytren’s contracture.

Her Bridging® sessions have provided some improvement to her hands, and also help with the miscellaneous aches and strains of keeping up a home and gardening.

Best of all, she loves that Bridging® has no homework required to maintain the benefits.

“I look forward to coming!”