Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

When is a Reach More Than a Reach?

Children’s Motor Skills: When is a Reach more than a Reach?

Early life events are a big deal! Motor skills are actually an essential aspect for all that we hope our children will be — thriving socially and emotionally. Every sensory-motor skill developed as an infant is essential for building another skill somewhere down the road. This concept is called laddering — the skills ladder on […]

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impacts of surgery on children

The Hidden Impact of Medical Procedures on Children

Beyond the Scar A recent newsletter discussed the considerations of pre- and post-surgical considerations which often leave a lasting imprint of pain, discomfort, and insomnia. When procedures are for a child there is more to consider. The impact of medical procedures upon a child’s development is personal — my son had 38 lumbar punctures and […]

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William’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“When he started crawling, we knew we were good. Every time we have a session at Kinetic Konnections, he sleeps better after.” Tricia (mom of William, 15 months)   What prompted you to seek help? My son was born with Craniosynostosis, meaning the plates in his skull were fused together and would cause pressure on his […]

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Donna’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“I thought it was just regular aging, not anything important. But after my first session I walked out of there saying, “Jeepers, I feel 10 years younger!” Donna B. (80)   What prompted you to seek help? I started going because a few normal things started to get out of whack. When I did things […]

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Katie’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“What I appreciate about the Bridging® approach is that the body is all connected. I may have knee pain, but it might not be the cause but rather the symptom of something else.”  Katie O (41)   What prompted you to seek help? After a friend described how Kinetic Konnections helped her with a yoga […]

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Diane’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“I have suffered from joint pain for years, maybe decades… After just one session I was relatively pain free.” Diane Y (55)   What prompted you to seek help? I have suffered from joint pain for years, maybe decades, and had tried all kinds of different things from drugs, physical therapy and injections. Nothing helped. […]

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Vic’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “I was skeptical about the process itself until I found out that it does work.” Vic B (91)   What prompted you to seek help? I’m 91-years-old and had been having dizziness issues related to a lack of balance. I see a chiropractor once a month for various reasons, but it wasn’t helping with the […]

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Lisa’s Story

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Bottom line, what changed was that I had a faster, easier recovery time so I was able to get back to work and my daily activities.” Lisa P. (51)   What prompted you to seek help? I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and fearful that the recovery time would be long and affect my ability […]

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