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Please stay tuned to our blog for the latest in news and updates. More information coming soon!
This Grad Took a Village! Congratulations to my son Dan! To see him in a cap and gown marching as part of the Class of 2014 brings more joy and pride than I imagined possible. Hope Allows for Possibility Four years ago, when Dan was 13, I gave serious thought to Dan’s future. A […]
Baby Hannah and Visual-Motor Development Despite everything being “normal” in her development, at 8 weeks Hannah was off track with visual-motor development. An uneventful pregnancy and an easy delivery with a midwife, Hannah was a relatively happy baby who ate and slept within her parents expectations. So why did I have the opportunity to meet […]
The Anguish and Frustration of Being Last “Miss Cara,” my 10-year-old client asked, “what is your diagnosis?” A benign question from a child well aware of the developmental labels he carries. I laughed, but wondered what label I would have if I grew up in these times. I was terribly uncoordinated so I might indeed […]
Spring Break Slip-up Cara’s Spring break mishap Day 1- Knee Swollen, throbbing, not bending much. Day 3- Limping badly, not bending much. Day 4- Kinetic Bridging®. Bending! Limping gone. Day 5- Swelling gone! Day 7- Elliptical for 45min. Day 8- Run 5 miles on trail! A wonderful week of hiking on the coast […]
After the Cast is Gone… A Story of Casts, Braces, Pain, and Weakness After the cast comes off, strength has gone on vacation, coordination takes extra effort, and there are weird aches and pains. Sound familiar? It’s a story we hear frequently. In addition to the trauma of a bone break, the cast can be […]
The Collarbone is Connected to the… You slip and catch yourself with your right arm. Whew, close call but, lately your neck hurts, headaches are more frequent, and it is hard to get comfortable sleeping. Coincidence? Not really. In the past few months we’ve seen a number of children and adults who have had collarbone/clavicle […]
Pain from winter sports, shoveling, or slipping on ice? We use our Kinetic Bridging® magic to quickly erase your pain and stiffness for good. If your pain is related to your kids (sensory issues being cooped up for many days), we put our magic into quickly teaching their muscles lessons skipped as an infant. […]
Want to help build your child’s self-esteem and confidence? Improve his balance and coordination? Or maybe you would simply like for your child to participate in a structured and fun atmosphere? For many of our clients Martial Arts training has been an effective way to address these goals. There are a variety of martial art […]
[image url=”https://thebridginginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bball.jpg” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”10″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”200″ height=”200″]Last summer, 10-year-old Nicholas showed no interest in playing sports. Muscular coordination and maintaining balance were such challenges for the fifth grader that it was difficult for him to enjoy any athletics, his mother Diane described. “His motor skills were always poor. I’m talking basic skills, such […]