Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

girls playing soccer

3 Benefits of Seasonal Tune-ups for Your Kids

Winter sports have wrapped up their season — hockey, wrestling, gymnastics, swimming and basketball. Did your athlete get injured, minor or major, during the past season? Spring sports will be starting soon — softball, baseball, badminton, lacrosse, tennis, volleyball, and track. Has your athlete grown? The seasonal transition can cause stress when layered on top […]

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a fall in the snow

Slip and Fall? 😩 2 Aspects of Falling Where You Feel Off or Sleep Poorly

According to the CDC in 2017, approximately 1 million Americans are injured annually as the result of falling on ice and snow. You were careful, but … down you went. 🙁 Nothing was broken, but you just don’t feel yourself. You might have gone to the urgent care to make sure all was ok. What […]

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baby feet

Feet Pain? How Does Understanding Early Development Help You Feel Better?

Fun facts about feet Feet have no bones at birth! The bones are still forming, and what we think of as bones is actually cartilage. The bones form later in the first year, which is why shoes aren’t recommended at this early age. 200,000 nerve endings! You have so many nerves and types of sensory […]

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Girls playing soccer game

Anxiety: What If It Comes From a Past Sports Injury?

Three sports scenarios that may play a role in your anxiety. Sports injuries are common! According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2019 there were: 468,000 injuries from general exercise 417,000 injuries from bicycling 404,000 injuries basketball 292,000 injuries from football Injury prone activities From CDC data, activities associated with the highest number of […]

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Cara at the Bridging Institute

Pain — The #1 Reason Teens and Adults Seek Out Bridging® Relief

Insights about Chronic Pain 80% of childhood chronic pain continues into adulthood. Many study* participants reported the pain was the result of a sports injury. (*Source: Chronic Pain in Adolescents Children (Basel) Dec 2016 Freiedrichdorf et al.) 17% of adults with chronic pain had it as a child. Chronic pain is also a significant post-operative […]

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dented car

Lasting Effects from Injuries. Who is Easier to Help — Kids or Adults?

How is helping an injury different between kids and adults? Recently we had a client ask, “Is it easier to help kids, or adults?” My answer, “It depends.” We recently explored this question related to surgical recovery. However, injuries are a more common event at all ages so let’s explore the differences between helping adults […]

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