Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Why Is the “WHEN” So Important to Helping us Help You?

Check out this diagram (click to enlarge) “When?” is one of the most important pieces of information we consider You have pain, balance, coordination concerns, or anxiety. As part of our process of getting you back on track physically or developmentally, we want to know what happened and when in order to understand how your […]

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Cara with new mom

Is a New Mom’s Childbirth Trauma Linked to Anxiety and Sports Performance Challenges?

Anxiety and trauma resulting from childbirth, especially for C-section moms In a prior BLOG post I shared how the diaphragm, breathing, and lower body interconnections are all related, and most importantly, impact anxiety. One of the most common reasons we find for moms to feel anxious, as well as reluctant to restart activity, relates to […]

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Anxiety, Breathing, and Lower Body Traumas?

How your heart and lungs move during breathing: #biology — Slava Bobrov (@slava__bobrov) August 12, 2022 This illustration of breathing is so cool! I follow Slava Bobrov on Twitter for his amazing visualizations of the body and cells. Last week he shared this animation of breathing. I was in heaven! This animation (click on […]

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Cara works with a client

Old Knee Injury? See the Crazy Ways It Can Impact You

Wanting to stay active, but … Sometimes you are doing your best to get into healthier habits yet your body doesn’t want to cooperate. Often we assign the sensations to being out of shape, needing to try harder, or being more consistent. Sometimes there is something basic, yet overlooked. Here’s an example. Sound familiar? I […]

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oil lamp

Restoring Inner Peace and Calm

The Fourth of July holiday turned out to be a time of chaos and tragedy in our community. Our Northbrook office is a short distance from Highland Park, and we serve many families there. Our hearts are heavy with the sadness and loss. The most fundamental human need, that of safety and security, was rocked. […]

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