Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage


Foot Surgery and Still Have Pain, Swelling, or Balance Concerns?

Facts about feet issues and surgeries Bunions affect approximately 25-30% of adults. Most common foot surgeries are to address: bunions hammer toes tendon release neuroma metatarsal repair Feet still hurting after surgery? Your feet may have been hurting so bad that surgery seemed like the best solution. Surgery is finished, your foot is healed, and […]

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baby feet

Feet Pain? How Does Understanding Early Development Help You Feel Better?

Fun facts about feet Feet have no bones at birth! The bones are still forming, and what we think of as bones is actually cartilage. The bones form later in the first year, which is why shoes aren’t recommended at this early age. 200,000 nerve endings! You have so many nerves and types of sensory […]

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We’ve Been Working with Babies! What We’ve Learned …

Happy New Year! Sharing some reflections … The most amazing part of 2021 began in late January with a text from a friend. “Can you help my friend’s baby?” Helping one newborn led to helping several, which we followed developmentally over the past year. The experience has been both insightful and inspirational. Watching weekly and […]

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