Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Supporting the Parent Who Supports Their Child–November 10, 2016

Baby Development and Play Play is a vital and interactive process of babies learning to excite, engage, and calm in every changing way. Play is also the foundation of communication and self-help. Play is essential for integrated sensory, motor, and cognitive development beginning with rattles and progressing to block building and books.   Note from […]

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Zoey’s Headaches–Not what you’d expect!–October 28, 2016

Headaches with An Unusual Cause For years, 11-year-old Zoey experienced daily headaches. For as long as she could remember, Zoey’s mother said her daughter would comment about her head pain, particularly toward the end of each day. “As the day would go on, the pain would worsen,” she described. Unwilling to take any medicine to […]

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Mastering the Dreaded Locker Lock–August 26, 2016

Mastering the Dreaded Locker Lock! I still have my lock, the combo engraved in my brain from frustration… The fear and frustration of sweaty fingers twirling the dial of the gym locker on the bottom row of lockers, trying not to be late to class. Yes, that’s why I remember the combo. Middle schools and […]

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Updates from Some 2014 Stories–January 8, 2015

Updates from Some 2014 Stories We are working on some amazing stories for you in 2015 and thought you’d enjoy a few updates on some of our 2014 features.   Madeline and Reading “Merry Christmas,” as Madeline is singing to her new karaoke machine, “I cannot believe the words she is reading as she sings—wow!” […]

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Summer Boo-Boo’s Summer 2013 post

Amazing that we are halfway through the summer, yet not half way done with summer plans. Whether barbequing, biking, boating or traveling, please be careful! We find summer fun sometimes yields summer boo-boo’s. But you didn’t get seriously hurt, you say? Thank goodness! However big or small, incidents with significant impact still leave their signature […]

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Baby Hannah and Visual-Motor Development–May 20, 2014

Baby Hannah and Visual-Motor Development Despite everything being “normal” in her development, at 8 weeks Hannah was off track with visual-motor development. An uneventful pregnancy and an easy delivery with a midwife, Hannah was a relatively happy baby who ate and slept within her parents expectations. So why did I have the opportunity to meet […]

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Tummy Time & Handwriting

[image url=”” alignment=”left” margin_left=”0″ margin_right=”10″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ width=”200″ height=”150″]Often, we don’t think about how much work is involved in handwriting. However, handwriting is more than grasping an object and scribbling. Although a baby’s ability to grasp establishes a developmental foundation for the handwriting skill, the ability to write requires simultaneous movement and work from the […]

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Tummy Time & Grasp

As parents, we hear the importance of providing your newborn with tummy time from your pediatrician or healthcare provider. Tummy time helps develop core strength and coordination. Well, we also are finding that tummy time is pivotal in the development of the fingers and stability in the hand within the first six weeks of life. […]

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Motor Skill Development Delay and Infant Sleep Positions

I see so many children with poorly developed shoulder stability and function which makes me wonder what these children didn’t do to miss this development. My suspicions lie in too little tummy time and too much car seat/bouncy seat/stroller/high chair time. A study from Canada was just released which compared motor development between infants who […]

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