Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

Cara with client, Zakiya

Exercise Plans Side-tracked? Do Past Injuries Make Things Harder?

She wanted to get back to exercising for her health. How did Bridging® help? In the latest Bridging Insider video, we meet Zakiya whose exercise routine has been side-lined while caring for her son who has special needs. She’s had two key physical traumas over the years and she wants to make sure she is […]

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follow up session with Cindy

Your Body Doesn’t Move Correctly? Might Be Prior Injuries

Coordination between your core, arms or legs have you feeling less than confident? At The Bridging® Institute, we find disruptors to movement fall into consistent categories. As you accumulate more of these over the years, your body is less able to bounce back and find a way to keep going. Life can easily become a […]

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Cara with tennis player

Knee Still Painful or Uncertain After ACL Repair?

ACL sprains and tears are among the most common types of knee injuries in the U.S., with more than a quarter million people injuring their anterior cruciate ligaments every year. Most people have some surgery-related pain and discomfort for the first week or so. Not surprisingly, pain from knee surgery decreases with time. By the […]

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Why Is the “WHEN” So Important to Helping us Help You?

Check out this diagram (click to enlarge) “When?” is one of the most important pieces of information we consider You have pain, balance, coordination concerns, or anxiety. As part of our process of getting you back on track physically or developmentally, we want to know what happened and when in order to understand how your […]

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Cara works with a client

Old Knee Injury? See the Crazy Ways It Can Impact You

Wanting to stay active, but … Sometimes you are doing your best to get into healthier habits yet your body doesn’t want to cooperate. Often we assign the sensations to being out of shape, needing to try harder, or being more consistent. Sometimes there is something basic, yet overlooked. Here’s an example. Sound familiar? I […]

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