Your BRIDGE back to being active at every age and stage

dented car

Lasting Effects from Injuries. Who is Easier to Help — Kids or Adults?

How is helping an injury different between kids and adults? Recently we had a client ask, “Is it easier to help kids, or adults?” My answer, “It depends.” We recently explored this question related to surgical recovery. However, injuries are a more common event at all ages so let’s explore the differences between helping adults […]

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Still Recovering from a Surgery or Medical Procedure?

Recent Surgical Procedure? We have many clients who are finally able to get their Covid delayed procedures done, or have had test results requiring new procedures. Knees, hips, biopsies, moles, shoulders and feet. Oh my! Being such a timely topic, post-surgical support will be the focus for our quarterly professional Bridging® learning event next week. […]

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adult virtual bridging session

Pain, Anxiety and Balance Concerns? Consider a Virtual Session

Virtual session for adults – What’s different? From a client’s wife in Kansas City, MO – “He was moving much better during our walk that followed your session. He walked more quickly as well. Cara easily navigated us through simple movements virtually. These movements resulted in more fluidity and flexibility for his body after a […]

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